Infinite Consulting was founded in 2015 by three professionals who endeavor for excellence in taxation and financial field covering local and international minded.
We are group of certified professionals who strive for excellence and will always continuously serve the best value to our clients. Our Clients include individuals, local and multinational companies from various industries such as consumer product, distribution, trading, mining, property, banking, securities, and many more.
Infinite Consulting is a group firm consisted of tax professionals who strive to be the best, and will always provide the best value to their clients, currently recruiting talented people to join its professional team.
Key Responsibilities:
Specific Requirements:
General requirements:
If you feel that you can meet the qualification and up to the challenge, please send your complete application letter together with a detailed curriculum vitae, academic records, and current photograph (4 x 6 cm) email to or press button on below.
Notes: In your subject line, you should indicate what job you've applied for.
Obtained her Bachelor of Economics degree from the University of Tarumanagara, Jakarta, Indonesia and Master International Taxation degree from the University of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
She joined PB Taxand and Pricewaterhouse Coopers Indonesia with total experience for more than 20 years as a Tax Consultant.
She has experience in tax expertise in local and international affairs specializing in Individual Tax Services and Transfer Pricing.
Her detail-oriented, thorough, and prudent personality has successfully make her clients feel comfortable and confident to choose her as their trusted tax consultant.
William Kuswandi
Senior Partner
Peter Susanto
Managing Partner